Heartbreak: A Poem

Poet: Rishabh Raj


The day I saw her;
I dissolved in her sea like “blue eyes”,
Felt; that for my “Ludo” game, like life;
I finally got the correct dice,
I cannot describe her beautiful face in words;
all I can say is; as glowing and charming as pure white milk,
…. I remember I gave something to her on birthday;
Yes! it was the chocolate named “ Dairy Milk Silk ”.


I was eager to see the conversion of The friendship bud;
Into the loveliest love bud,
Thankful to see The pretty flower growing:
A friendship becoming strong
Sharing my little thoughts and life issues with her,
Lots of dream of me and her, We love bird!
Finally deciding to share my feelings about her,
And she also agreed to serve a chilled ice for my hot love fever,
But something else was going on in her mind,
To use my love for her own pleasure; seeing me as a guy
Who in love ad gone completely blind,
She Talked to me, considered me everything whenever she was in need!
Otherwise the most unripe seed.


Her actions and ruthless behavior sometimes switched the tears on,
It was that kind of love that never led me to cheer upon,
Finally deciding to say about the mishappenings to her,
But Alas! She retreated into never,
Hmmmm…. she went away,
Didn’t even bother for a second about me and my job
[of helping her in every circumstance;
Friends Told me cruel tales about her???
Overall, it remained as a one-sided love,
Ya…. I thought that my life  was ECLIPSED;
But no; it remained as a parabolic curve,
Relation is worthy when love exists between the two,
Always equal in measurement; without any extra effort;
In the Machine of love, enhancement acts as a dynamo
What to do with this broken heart? I really didn’t know,
I Started chanting: “Help me out o’ lord to spread a shadow
A Black Cloud to Banish all sorrow”,


I was in a very pensive mood,
Questions bombarding my mind, all bad not good,
I found myself all alone and shattered,
But those feelings for her;
Not even a millimeter- got altered.


One night a message came in my name,
‘See yourself in mirror and have some shame,
And a para of inspiration….
For my critical situation:
“Love is beautiful but sometimes it is horrifying,
The girl who left you;
isn’t going to think whether her absence Left you living or dying,
So why are you still thinking of her?
Please go on to live your life, remembering her never,
Your world is not over;
because Life has a ‘one goes one comes’ rule.


Move on and try to get the right girl,
whom god has made for you,
Who will not give you sorrow but
always hold your hand and be in touch with your heart too,
And does everything in your Troubled life so as you to console ……..”


For me, this message proved to be a boon,
Now I can see some laughing gas in my heart- a deflated balloon,
I can now live my life as I did earlier,
At last, the fact exists; love is Responsible for one’s success and
Responsible too for Life’s Misses……

Message from this short story:

Love is something which when does not Happen; then it can’t happen but when It happens; it does enhance a special radiance and much more…
Yes, it is not easy to forget someone Whom u loved the most but why to do This type of stubborn thing of not forgetting him or her as it will not Let u get back him or her but give u grief, grief, and only grief ……..
So it is far far better to live life as U want to live; not governed by anyone Else and find someone else who do Understand the true meaning of love as Compared to your gone away love …….

Our Song Recommedation for the Post

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